Expedition plant explosive not available

Bug report number 936,176,772

Ran into Dannig in a T16 map. To plant explosive you pull both triggers and press down but the league icon wasn't present when I pressed both triggers so pressing down didn't do anything. and there was no other way to initiate planting the explosives either thru a dialog option or interacting with the detonator.
Last bumped on Feb 14, 2024, 5:10:38 PM
I had this bug too a few times recently. I found that porting to hideout, entering a Vaal area, incursion, Lab area or Wildwoods and coming back generally let me put the explosives down. Had also recently similar issue with Jin, where even though I had no active interrogations, I couldnt start research, transportation or fortification encounters unless I port to town or come back.

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