Character missing from Ladder API in Gauntlet after name change


I started my gauntlet as "DumboFuckGuantletIsHard" and eventually renamed it to "DumboGauntletCasual" at some point in campaign. At the moment, im level 87 and according to poe-racing sitting in #35 for Trickster BUT none of my gear is shown and my old character name is being returned through the ladder APIs.

I reached out to the folks at and they said that the issue is with GGG's API and it needs to be fixed here (and not something on their end). Can you help me out? I don't care much about the prize pool but it's my first time playing HC and it would be great if I could at least formally make it on the ladder somewhere when its all said and done.

Last bumped on Feb 8, 2024, 6:20:01 PM
Hey FearlessDumb0! I'm sorry to hear about that. Could you please contact us via email at so that we can look into this further with you?
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