My atlas passives got reset?

When i logged into the game today i got a warning that i was logging from a new location and had to re enter my password. I have not changed location or got a new computer so i was worried my account had been hacked or something but just retyping my password allowed me to log back in.

However all my atlas passives have been reset and all my heist and expedition items have been moved into a remove only tab in my stash. Also it says i have bunch of Kiracs vault pass rewards unclaimed that i have already claimed.

Its gona be pretty annoying busy work to fix my stash and atlas passives but im mostly curious about why this happend? Does anyone know?
Last bumped on Jan 30, 2024, 4:04:02 AM
Just noticed now that all my characters where moved to affliction league when they were ssf affliction before.
Hey Minpin! Could you please contact us via email at so that we can look into this further with you?
Need help with anything? Feel free to contact us via :)
Whai_GGG wrote:
Hey Minpin! Could you please contact us via email at so that we can look into this further with you?
Just did

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