strong MF build for pathfinder?

i picked caustic arrow because it was popular on poeninja but i'm doing ZDPS. even with HH buffs i cant kill any rares in t16. i have all the awakened gems and clusters and whatever else others have. why is caustic arrow so popular for MF?its weak AF. is there any pathfinder build that has good damage?

edit- is the new poison caustic arrow any better?
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Jan 19, 2024, 12:27:19 PM
Last bumped on Jan 20, 2024, 1:32:38 PM
Everyone is using caustic arrow of poison. Not caustic arrow base gem.

Caustic arrow base gem falls off pretty hard late game.
not according to poeninja


or are they all farming tier 7 cemetery with it?
I have no idea how you filtered that but just clicking pathfinder shows caustic arrow of poison as 23% of 5+ link pathfinders.

At any rate the caustic arrow of poison is infinitely stronger for endgame than regular caustic arrow.
i was filtering for MF builds. so people who use MF uniques, since that is what i am trying to do

the poison version uses different gems and tree...kind of annoyed now but i'll try it
If thats the case then the t7 cemetery farm is a good assumption.
I dunno if it is peak MF, but my ele DD can easily run fully juiced/wisped T16s with item rarity support in place of ignite prolif with 80% deli, I can swing a ventor's too but it slows things down a bit, I was doing it before I got MB, although it doesn't hurt and the build is tanky enough to toss in a gold flask.
Honestly just check out Goratha's MF Pathfinder or the budget Chieftain MF that is tanky for days on top of having damage (Reddit link)
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
If you are actually doing zDPS with CA of Poison you probably didn't activate your tincture.
Last edited by RandallPOE on Jan 20, 2024, 9:08:46 AM
RandallPOE wrote:
If you are actually doing zDPS with CA of Poison you probably didn't activate your tincture.

it was regular i use charms. and just to clarify, ZDPS is when i find a lot of wisps...with no wisps i can clear the map with no issues

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