Item filter upload is broken

Posted this before on the Technical Issues forum, but got no response. So trying here:

There seems to be a problem with uploading item filters through the website and syncing to the client (at least on Playstation). When the filter length gets too large, the client will not process it at all.

You can see on my account that I have uploaded my own filter as a single complete file, as well as all the individual sections I have separately. The sections themselves seem to work (except currency and maps, which are long sections) but not the full filter. Which means that there is no issue with the syntax of the filter itself (or so I have concluded after debugging for over an hour...). I also have uploaded the NeverSink filter (which I have downloaded from and manually uploaded through the website), it also does not work.

I suspect the filter gets truncated while being processed and the client is not able to parse the garbled result.

I have truncated the currency section of my filter manually. There you can see that it is an issue with the length. The filter "0" does not work, while the filter "1" does, they only differ by 1 line (" PlayEffect Orange Temp", which is copy/pasted from the line above and can-not-possibly-be-wrong(tm)).

Edit: Final thoughts. The website does not complain about validity of the filter files, so I'm confident that they are good. I also had issues with having to reload my filter after starting the game the last couple of days, maybe it's related. After reloading the filter worked though, unlike since today. And the builtin Neversink filters do work, so not an issue with the client.

Also filters subscribed from the ladder are not working.

Thanks for looking into it.
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2024, 11:17:05 AM
If a filter is not working and the other filters also not than you have to reinstall the game or find a way the clear temp data from the game which is corrupted
Hmm, reinstalling the game did actually work. Very annoying if it occurs again though.
I have the same problem right now, i tried to delete and readd ns filter and after that only the default filter work. I try to reupload the game and wait to see if it work ...

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