Unresponsive support

TLDR, my account has been locked due to my previous email being hacked and so I requested an email change, every time I send an email to support someone different picks up the case, never aware of the situation, sometimes asking me the same question, please, at least unlock my account MorzalTheForsaken so I can play until the fixes are done, I play solely on Steam.
Last bumped on Jan 18, 2024, 5:32:59 AM
Hi MorzalTheExile, I can confirm that we have received your email. We'll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible! I apologise for any delay in response.
Like I get it, im not the only player with tech issues but at least try to keep consistency, and so regarding the unlocking of my account, is that possible or do I have to wait until the whole process is done?
No updates still, you know what, you cancel the whole thing and give me my account back, I'll rather run the risk than wait here with no answer only to be asked the same questions again.
I am quite sure posting and nagging thrice a day won't help speed up the process.. ^^
I'm sorry does this concerns you how exactly?
I'm sorry does this concerns you how exactly?

I am just a concerned citizen ^^

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