TAB purchase issue

Hi! :D

So i was checking out the tab sale. and saw Premium upgrade and i clicked BUY and then i got a normal tab but didnt upgrade to premium.....

then i had to buy another upgrade and the first upgrade was wasted?? or does it get stored in another place so i can apply it later to another tab in the future?

There can only be one Box, and that is the BOX from HELL.
Last bumped on Jan 7, 2024, 2:29:21 PM
Hi there,

I have gone ahead and fixed that up for you. You should see the points spent on the original Premium Stash Tab Upgrade back on your account now.
haha This!! This is one of the reasons i love Poe ultra fast response and help even if i dont need the points (jsut found it odd) i just get amazed with this support!

maybe there should be a Box or something that come up " you cant buy this upgrade since u dont have any normal tabs" :D

Thx for a great game and a great dev team and a great company! Cant wait to get my hands on POE 2 !!

Goodluck and have a great NewYear! <3

There can only be one Box, and that is the BOX from HELL.

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