gear bug or IAM missing something

IAM using the mathil build double strike With replica badge of the brotherhood and also Ralakesh impatience I'm stacking frenzy the badge say max end equal to frenzy also boot say IAM alway max endurance and other but top left icon nothing appear but only frenzy x8 also I have assassin mark to gain power charge I got 1 charge very rarely IAM I missing something
On PC look fine but ps5 nothing
Thanks for helping
Last bumped on Jan 5, 2024, 10:39:24 AM
The new way Ralakesh's are worded means that you won't see the buff icon for the charges, you just count as having them.

I tested Ralakesh with Replica Badge and +1 frenzy charge on tree, and it worked correctly. I could tell, because Endurance Charges give you resistances and PDR, and I could see those values change on my character sheet depending on whether I was wearing the Replica Badge or not.
Ok my bad the bug then

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