Gilded abyss jewels do not lead to spire or abyssal depths

reference # 301190609
This is my first time reporting a bug, because it happens to me so often it's really starting to aggravate me.

probably 1/4 times that I use a gilded abyss scarab, which is supposed to guarantee to lead to abyss depths or spire, it does not work.

Instead, the whole abyss just entirely disappears after being active for about 10 seconds.
OR, it leads to an abyss trove.
This is always in maps with area level 70-75

I am aware of the bug, that when it is too close to a wall that it won't spawn, but this is happening far away from any walls.
I am also aware that you must kill the abyss quick enough so it doesn't disappear, but this is happening within 5 seconds of the abyss hole being open.

****important info***

If it happens once, it will happen to every abyss in the game.

For example, if I have 3 abyss in the game... it will happen to all 3 of them. either all 3 of them will poof immediately, or all 3 will lead to an abyss trove when they aren't supposed to.

It is for this reason that I believe it has nothing to do with the wall bug.

The probability of all 3 abyss spawning too close to a wall in every game with no exceptions is nearly impossible.

I have recorded videos of this happening, because it does it to the first abyss so I record the remaining 2 with the same exact result.

Thank you for your time
Last bumped on Jan 2, 2024, 11:19:29 PM
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