Friend banned - false positive

So my close friend got banned the other day for third party but she's not cheated at all.
I know this because we all play together and I checked her machine and nothing was installed, she even had a new SSD for Christmas so re-installed windows on it.
So we're thinking it's a false positive as it must have been auto banned
with something installed on her machine.

Does anyone know what applications could have caused this?
We're worried if she plays again she'll be banned for the same issue and we're enjoying the game and intend to play PoE2 as soon as it's out.
Last bumped on Jan 2, 2024, 2:16:12 PM
Hi there,

Could you please send us an email regarding this at If you have contacted us already, one of our team will assist you as soon as possible!
Thanks, she's already been in contact.
Other than telling her it was section 7 breach, there's not much info to go off.

Is it possible for her to get the details of what triggered it sent to her if she asks for additional information?

If it was a process we'd be able to remedy any future false positives.
We even checked AMD anti-lag as I heard there were issues with that a while ago.
A quick update on this...

Her request has been forwarded to another team to look at. I appreciate the team taking a look at the requests.

We're apprehensive about her playing again till we identify the issue and solve it.
rebdog133 wrote:
So my close friend got banned the other day for third party but she's not cheated at all.
I know this because we all play together and I checked her machine and nothing was installed, she even had a new SSD for Christmas so re-installed windows on it.
So we're thinking it's a false positive as it must have been auto banned
with something installed on her machine.

Does anyone know what applications could have caused this?
We're worried if she plays again she'll be banned for the same issue and we're enjoying the game and intend to play PoE2 as soon as it's out.

There's a ban wave happening and they don't know why and they don't want to support the players
Browse the forum, you will find several posts about banning TOS 7
Last edited by Afelionx on Jan 2, 2024, 1:37:25 PM
Afelionx wrote:
There's a ban wave happening and they don't know why and they don't want to support the players

Ban wave? usually implies a lot of accounts hit at once (thats usually what it means when other companies do it), this has been a lot of accounts hit over a month

Section seven covers most for ms of cheating, they don't get any more specific because it then helps those that do cheat figure out what is getting them banned, how to avoid detection and continue on cheating.
It's NOT that they don't support the players (total karen hogwash that you even typed that out here)

The person banned should (and has) submitted an appeal, this results in some security questions before it is placed in a queue to be double checked...the queue was sitting over 2 weeks before the ticket was actioned.
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