1216212787 domain of conflict CONSISNTELY CRASHING


I run legion xp service and I'm on a minimal set up of nimis hh and a good wand, no awakened gems or anything else. 13/15 runs crashed our games (6 man) I've ran every league for the last four and I can say without a doubt this is the worst performance I've ever had with this. Mind you I even took our gmp with lmp and still no fix ( did run smoother) . We're all on ps5s (I make sure every time ). I sent psn crash reports everytime. Plz fix this GGG bc last league before all your "performance upgrades" it worked fine. We even tried a 2 man just to see and we also crashed. A very passionate fan -Weighcist
Last bumped on Jan 3, 2024, 1:59:44 AM
Update: I completely switched the carry build around. Went Inpulsas with esh mirror and a flat lighting wand, made everything into one element , and still crashing EVERY RUN! WHY have content or items that aren't compatible with everything?? Wasted over 50 sets trying to figure this out when it's all on your end... PLZ FIX THIS ASAP
Update ran another 30 more runs and still crashing every instance, taking out everything to the BARE MINIMUM! this is literally outrageous! Plz immediately fix this.
Update we took the build into maps and now it's still crashing
It must be just the skill gem KINETIC BLAST. Plz fix this soon GGG

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