ABYSS BUG!!!!!!!!i have 3 Abyss , in maps coming 1 Abyyses

hi, the point is that I chose no Growing Hordes as a note in my atlas skill tree in order to make it clear,
I have Gilded abys in my mapp device, I have abys as a sextant and I select an abys on the map device so that I have at least three of them on the map,

For several days now, I often only get 1 or 2 when I'm 100 percent supposed to have at least 3, sometimes just one.

At first I thought I was accidentally over it, then I paid close attention and it was really like that, there is often only one abyss appearing where you should have at least three, please fix this bug, it's just sometimes annoying due to the new league mechanic
that you don't get anything out of it,

LG and Happy New Year to the whole path of exile team
Last bumped on Jan 1, 2024, 8:30:03 AM
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Naruto1989 wrote:
hi, the point is that I chose no Growing Hordes as a note in my atlas skill tree in order to make it clear,
I have Gilded abys in my mapp device, I have abys as a sextant and I select an abys on the map device so that I have at least three of them on the map,

For several days now, I often only get 1 or 2 when I'm 100 percent supposed to have at least 3, sometimes just one.

At first I thought I was accidentally over it, then I paid close attention and it was really like that, there is often only one abyss appearing where you should have at least three, please fix this bug, it's just sometimes annoying due to the new league mechanic
that you don't get anything out of it,

LG and Happy New Year to the whole path of exile team
this is a Image from my atlas
bump, happening to me as well regularly on cemetary maps

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