losing my head over tincture/dot/totem interaction HELP PLZ!

Recently bought the tincture with the headhunter mod and chaos pen for my CA poison/scourge arrow of menace TOTEM build and found that NEITHER worked and now i'm even beginning to wonder if the "all dmg can poison" implicit works properly with totems. My head is FRIED and I'm just trying to figure out what tincture options are viable for this build....or if I need to re-roll, drop totems and do something ENTIRELY different than planned. If you know what affixes are effective with this dot/totem build, PLEASE throw me a bone before I send myself back to the figurative beach.
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2023, 12:28:05 PM
First off: DoT simply cannot penetrate. Pen always requires a hit.
So if your build mostly deals DoT dmg then pen would be a dead mod, except for the initial hit.

As for the Headhunter mod:
This depends on the wording. Does it say "on kill" or "on dealing a killing blow"?
Latter would require a hit as well and doesnt work for DoT builds at all.
However, you could circumvent this restriction by running any bowskill combined with culling strike, allowing you to deal a killing blow and thus benefit from the tinctures effect.
double post
Last edited by Orbaal on Dec 31, 2023, 12:28:18 PM

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