My delve is bugged out

So when looking at my delve mine map, I can't actually click on a majority of the nodes that are on the map. In fact, I can only go in to the mine at all by going through the main entrance or by clicking a node I want to travel to. After traveling via the second method, however, my cart's light path doesn't actually go back to my previous unlocked zones. I've tried relogging and it's persisted since last night, and through a server change as well. You can see on my pics below that I have the node "unlocked" or whatever you want to call it, but don't have a light to follow in the 2nd one.

Last edited by JeroyStillRollin on Dec 31, 2023, 12:55:57 AM
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2023, 3:18:01 AM
Do you mean the central shaft? This is not your unlocked nodes, it's Nico's mine and you can't just use it for free. Central mineshaft acts as a catch-up mechanic, allowing a character to access appropriately challenging depths.

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