I'm just here for comfort please any staff can give me some reply

My account has been locked due to fraudulent purchases.

[Removed by Support]

I sent an email to support@grindinggear.com to ask if my account could be saved by making up the difference or transferring my role.

Having received no reply, I'm wondering if this lock is permanent?

Four days have passed. GGG is as cool as 47. I really don’t understand why they would do this after Christmas. I can totally accept it even if all MTX is confiscated.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to check out my request.
Last edited by Nichelle_GGG on Dec 31, 2023, 9:25:19 PM
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2023, 9:26:30 PM
We are unable to discuss account related issues on the forums I'm afraid. We are currently working through a large backlog of Support requests, however, please rest assured that if you have sent us an email we will respond to you as soon as we can.
by fraudulent purchases i can only think of 2 things really.

Using stolen credit/debit cards

OR doing a charge back

In the case of a charge back this isn't a victimless crime, GGG loose out on the money for the purchase, they also get a black mark on their business account which can result in fines into the thousands of dollars and even upto not being able to do buisness with banks unless they pay over the top taxes on transactions.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
lagwin1980 wrote:
by fraudulent purchases i can only think of 2 things really.

Using stolen credit/debit cards

OR doing a charge back

In the case of a charge back this isn't a victimless crime, GGG loose out on the money for the purchase, they also get a black mark on their business account which can result in fines into the thousands of dollars and even upto not being able to do buisness with banks unless they pay over the top taxes on transactions.

It kinda sounds like he changed regions to buy MTX which is also a big nono, at least the guy is accepting and asking to fix 😁
lagwin1980 wrote:
by fraudulent purchases i can only think of 2 things really.

Using stolen credit/debit cards

OR doing a charge back

In the case of a charge back this isn't a victimless crime, GGG loose out on the money for the purchase, they also get a black mark on their business account which can result in fines into the thousands of dollars and even upto not being able to do buisness with banks unless they pay over the top taxes on transactions.

Rly? does this applies to every company?
N4mex wrote:
Rly? does this applies to every company?

It should, it's the banking system that enforce it.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
lagwin1980 wrote:
N4mex wrote:
Rly? does this applies to every company?

It should, it's the banking system that enforce it.

So technically we can bankrupt every company by buying en masse and charge backing?
Hi Exiles, this thread has now been locked due to the direction this conversation is taking. Please note that issuing a chargeback on an account will lead to your account being permanently closed as this is a breach of our rules.

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