Banned for breaching section 7 of the TOS act - Have not done anything

Hi, so I'm writing this to hopefully reach someone that can help me.

My account - Gerriscott
My hours - 2.2k on steam
Multiple supporter pack on the account including void born and some of the 480 dollar packs.

I have spent a lot of time over the past 4 years playing POE and have enjoyed every moment, On the 21st of December I was hit with a ban "banned by an Administrator"

like I'm sure others i assumed this was a mistake and that i have been banned as a casualty of the so called BAN WAVE that happens every now and again.

today on the 28th of decemeber 2023 i have been greeted with a email stating.

[Removed by Support]

im writing on this forum because i have no other avenue to voice this im not a big streamer and nor do i know any personally. I have not the slightest idea on why i have been banned

I DO NOT use any 3rd party Sofware's other than "awakend poe" and "path of building"

i do not have any macros i know people use scroll wheel etc i do not.

I play the game completely legitimately have 2000 deaths of my sofcore character this league - yes im bad

I have done nothing to warrant a ban and have exhausted all other avenues to get this looked into.

I would apricate some response on here by a member of the ggg team and not a bot as it seems that is the only response im getting currently.

any further information i will provide but I cannot stomach losing an account i have invested so much time and money into over seemingly a mistake.

thanks in advance.

Last edited by Jenn_GGG on Dec 28, 2023, 4:11:29 AM
Last bumped on Dec 28, 2023, 6:22:55 AM
Hey there, my apologies but we are unable to discuss account related issues on the forums. Please contact us at if you have any questions. If you have already contacted us, please wait for a reply; as mentioned we are currently working through a large number of support requests, but we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Need help with anything? Please contact us at for assistance :)
I appricate you are busy and frankly I'm done wishing for a fast reply but as stated in the post I have been emailed and the results of that email chain were as follows

[Removed by Support]

This is why I'm creating this post!

It seems that I have been "reviewed" but i can say with 100 percent certainty that I have done nothing breaking the tos so is there anyone at ggg that can advise or help me
Last edited by Jenn_GGG on Dec 28, 2023, 4:10:29 AM
Is there any update, on anyone that can help me as the support team is not responding via email
Hi there,

I'm afraid with the launch of the Affliction League we are currently quite busy working through a backlog of emails as previously mentioned. Rest assured one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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