Emailed Support three times since Dec 7, still no response


I've been trying to get a resolution for an MTX bundle issue that I emailed about on December 7. Essentially, I had already put money towards the Core packs over the year, and then wanted to finish purchasing it before the new ones were announced. GF thought she was doing me a favor and bought the Voidborn pack on its own, but not at the upgraded price, at the full $480 USD price. So essentially there was about $140 USD or so spent for no reason other than just getting the points that you'd get for spending that much. I am trying to get either a refund for the "overpayment" and a subtraction of points, or some other resolution, perhaps credit towards this years Core packs.

Unfortunately I've had zero response from Support despite emailing them once a week since December 7th asking for a resolution. I'm only posting here as I'm not sure how else to get in contact with the right people.

Any help would be appreciated.

Last bumped on Jan 8, 2024, 9:02:32 AM
Hi there Rampagenb,

I am very sorry to hear that! We have received a large volume of requests, however we are working to respond and assist as soon as we can. I apologise for any delays or inconvenience in the meantime.
It's great that support actually responds here, it would be nice if they could do the same thing for Tech support forum I feel like they are absent there.
Hello guys.
It's great that support actually responds here, it would be nice if they could do the same thing for Tech support forum I feel like they are absent there.

They would need a LOT more staff and they would be deticating far too much time to people that would rather just blame the game than do anything with their PC to fix it.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
They need a LOT more staff as it is. 2 years ago, ban appeal took me 4 weeks (on new account with 1 lvl 40 character with trash items and no currency, must have been very suspicious). Now according to forums nothing has changed :shrug:
Still no response. Anything I can do to speed things along? Been a month now.
Rampagenb wrote:
Still no response. Anything I can do to speed things along? Been a month now.

Don't try to speed things up, you've sent one mail you are in a queue, you are not any more important than anyone else in the queue and you'll wait just like everyone else...and trying to bump your ticket usually ends up with your place in the queue being reset each time you do it.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Rampagenb wrote:

Unfortunately I've had zero response from Support despite emailing them once a week since December 7th asking for a resolution.

every time you message them again you get placed back to the start of the queue. dont do that.

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