Massive lag spikes leading to disconnect on JP server.

Over the past few days I've noticed people disconnecting as they try and join my hideout. Sometimes I have to go meet them its so bad.

Then tonight I started getting massive lag spikes thatd reach 8k before disconnecting me. Continued happening all might.
Last bumped on Dec 24, 2023, 9:52:48 AM
Same here, exactly same issue, cannot even do the lab with a speedy char, as I get kicked out before reaching the end, every single time, super frustrating to play like this.
Seeing the same problem as well. A friend of mine said he tried Singapore and was not having the same issues.
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Press R or RIOTヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
IGNs PentaKill_Brand
Ripped at Lv88
Now trying to be b in invasion league
Got tired of losing maps because of the disconnects and decided to level up a pathfinder.

Getting disconnected constantly when loading "The Ledge" in Act 1 with this error:

2023/12/24 19:02:36 1167733140 ca3a69d2 [INFO Client 8388] Connecting to instance server at
2023/12/24 19:02:57 1167754171 ca3a5095 [DEBUG Client 8388] Connect time to instance server was 0ms
2023/12/24 19:02:57 1167754171 aeceac1f [INFO Client 8388] Abnormal disconnect: Failed to connect to instance
I've also been running into these lag spikes into disconnects on the Japan server. I switched to Singapore for the time being, and the experience has been much smoother although with a little more latency.

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