Refund for MTX


I have 40 pending mtx coin since 6 months ago and given the game is almost impossible to play as the almost 100.000 comments only in these forums with different setups/tiers demonstrate, I have not been able to use them, sadly.

I'd like to kindly ask if there is any option to get a refund for that money.

If not, please, can you give that money to your developers? I know they are doing their best and we players tend to be passionate about what we like.

The reasons behind this decission can be found in these 2 posts:

Apart from that,

I really think that 6 months is more than enough time for something so basic as having your players play and not test the game to be addressed.

What truly makes me sad is that you are NOT recognizing the issues neither warning your consumers about the consequences of playing the game as it is now are for their devices. This, is NOT profesional. Izaro would be mad at you :)

Probably there are a lot of players playing the game without being aware that their computer lifespawn is being shortened by 3 to 5 years by playing the game as it is now.

We could go at audit level but honestly, just search in google: "is it bad to have a computer running with 100% cpu usage for long periods of time?"

I want to also apologize to be writting this post, but never in my life I have felt so humilliated by a company.

Let me wish you all a merry xmas and best wishes for all your beloved ones.

Best regards;
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2023, 6:14:55 PM
Hey there Lonesong,

I am very sorry to hear that! For us to look into this request for you, could you please email us at regarding this?
Thank you very much for your quick reply.

There is nothing to look into. I have taken the time to write the post and to make clear that I am fine with you, as a company, using my pending 40 mtx to buy some beers for you all.

I am pissed off but I still know you are all working, and you deserve them :)
Lonesong wrote:
Thank you very much for your quick reply.

There is nothing to look into. I have taken the time to write the post and to make clear that I am fine with you, as a company, using my pending 40 mtx to buy some beers for you all.

I am pissed off but I still know you are all working, and you deserve them :)

Hey there Lonesong,

I am very sorry to hear that! For us to look into this request for you, could you please email us at regarding this?

Oh man, how I wish my job was that easy

Sorry for making you double post. Will do it.

Edit: I have reinstalled everything once more and even the performance is far from what is was in 3.21, at least I am able to play.

Last edited by Lonesong on Dec 23, 2023, 6:18:56 AM

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