Trinity Support Gem Resonance Treating Lightning as Ice and Vice Versa

Demo Video of the issue:

The Trinity Support Gem appears to be treating lightning damage as ice, and ice damage as lightning when calculating resonance. Fire damage is resonating as expected.

Replication instructions:
As an elemental character:
- Ensure there are no other damage types in attack (I removed all gear not needed to test)
- Use a trinity support gem with a lightning and cold spell gem.
- Use the lightning and cold spells separately against any monster
- Observe how resonance is being built up.
Extra step: I did the above with a fire spell as well, to confirm that the trinity gem was resonating that damage type correctly.
Last bumped on Dec 23, 2023, 10:06:43 AM
Its indicating correctly. Those have always been the colors that trinity has used for cold and lightning damage.
Oh, so
Blue = Lightning
White = Cold


Blue = Cold
White = Lightning


If it makes you feel better you are not the first person confused by this.
Alright thanks, that makes this easier!

This bug thread can be closed now.

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