Need Help recovering my Guild.

Hello I created a guild a while ago and put a lot of money into the tabs. I had to stop playing for work reasons so I promoted a friend I met online to leader since he was very active he is very nice and patient and extremely helpful. As I came back This season I saw that no one was getting on, no problem you can always recruit fresh people and kick the inactive ones. That's when I realized that I couldn't kick anyone or sort the stash..pretty much I couldn't do anything I had to leave the guild and create a new one hoping that maybe he would see my messages and get on to change the settings or if he stopped playing completely he could promote me back its been a couple of days and he doesn't answer on any of his social platforms maybe life problems or work that's fine. I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to try and get back that guild I have all the receipts for the purchases on my account and the messages me and him had when I promoted him. Thank you in advance and sorry for the long paragraph, have a nice day!
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2023, 9:27:33 AM
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