Absurdly slow screen load times

What are load times between instances so long this league? Around 20 seconds or so. Not the case last league.
Last bumped on Jan 16, 2024, 11:49:05 AM
I am on xBox series X
I've noticed the same thing the last two leagues. I switched from an Xbox One X to a Series X about a year ago and the loading screens improved significantly until the last couple of leagues. I did a hard reset and that helped a bit, but there's definitely a problem on GGG's end.
I'm averaging 45 seconds. Starlink internet and a series x.
Yeah Im on series X, and avg about 40 seconds. Its making me wanna quit. It used to be like 5 seconds. But every league it gets longer and longer
I'm almost giving up too. I want to play but it seems futile.
re up
Ps5 here, game crashed at canals randomly, reset the instance. Now the game crashes whilst loading into feeding troughs -_-. Well done GGG
GGG, me and all my console friends really wish you would spend some time and fix the console version of this game. The load screens are terrible. There are so many bugs. Right now I have a passive point in A10 that I cannot get because the game crashes there. I had 6 console friends to play this game at one point and they all quit because the game is an un-optimized, slow and buggy mess. Please help.
And after to 2 min loading screen your game freezes and you are dead when the freeze is over, back to loading screens. I quit this game for this and hoping to get a refund or transfer to pc. The game is just unplayable atm.

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