Auto kick and auto wishper in trade assisting tools


I've seen a lot of people using auto wishper and what looks like auto kick fuction after trade.
I've seen videos about tools assisting trading such as POE Overlay and POE Lurker with a lot of features.

These trading tools all have an option to kick and wishp someone wonce you closed a trade window.

I'd love to use one of these tools to ease my trade experience but i'm very concerned about clicking on a trade window resulting in 3 separate actions :
1 Closing the window
2 Sending "/kick x"
3 Sending "@X thanks for trade"

Can someone please help me about these features regarding the TOS? I don't want to use anything not allowed.

Last bumped on Dec 17, 2023, 4:00:37 PM
Hi there,

​Unfortunately, we cannot comment on the legality of third-party tools, as we aren't able to thoroughly and accurately check exactly how they work.

In general, we do not encourage the creation or use of third-party tools because they provide advantages for players that use them. I'm afraid that we're unable to guarantee if a tool is allowed or would remain allowed in the future.

I would recommend refraining from using any programs that automates or does more than one action with a keystroke or mouse click as well as anything that interacts with the game client to provide an advantage over other players or provide information that isn't normally visible.
Thank you for your answer,

It's very clear despite the fact you can't give specific information.

And thank you for being so fast !

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