Doors and Strongboxes won’t open (Xbox)

Title pretty much covers it. I don’t know if it’s related to slight lag and micro-stuttering I’ve been experiencing this league but I’ve been unable to open various doors/strongboxes in and out of Heist and Lab. It’s not super common or consistent but very problematic when it happens.

Sometimes it’ll work after dozens of tries or perhaps after a period of time, sometimes minutes later. I don’t see a clear cause or solution. Logging out worked once but doesn’t seem consistent. I just logged on and immediately did a Lab. I can’t open a strongbox, even minutes later as I try to problem solve this. Turning controller on/off didn’t help, neither did an assortment of button spam. I recalled one time, I had this issue but a quest-related chest opened no problem. Unsure how it factors in, if at all.

Edit: Possible cause found. I switched my “A” button to a different skill, since it’s the same button used for interaction, like opening chests and doors. This seemed to fix it. The skill in question is Detonate Dead. I’m using the normal skill with the Vaal Detonate Dead gem, if it matters. Perhaps DD wasn’t properly “ending,” thus not enabling you to use the same button to interact properly.
Last edited by Monsieur Noodle on Dec 17, 2023, 10:53:46 AM
Last bumped on Dec 17, 2023, 6:57:18 PM
Thanks for your report.

This is a known issue with corpse skills on A. We are looking into it.

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