Did anyone get an unban?

Hello guys, 2 days ago me and 2 my friends got banned for "soft" and "breaching terms". We didn't do anything wrong in this game and anyway get banned.
Support is ignoring us 2 days.

I saw a lot of threads here with same problems from normal players.

I'd like to ask if anyone has been unbanned ?
Last bumped on Dec 21, 2023, 9:08:24 AM
We are currently working through a large number of support requests. If you have already contacted us at support@grindinggear.com, we will respond to you as soon as possible :)
I did today, they emailed me saying "we will give you the benifit of the doubt" Like i did somthing wrong, so their system is wrongfully banning players then they are blaming us still! If i could return everything ive bought i would.
Crimmsun wrote:
I did today, they emailed me saying "we will give you the benifit of the doubt" Like i did somthing wrong, so their system is wrongfully banning players then they are blaming us still! If i could return everything ive bought i would.

how long did it take?
Would like to know that too. Can you give us a timeline of what happened with your ban/unban?
ggg finally made a good league, due to the influx of players the servers can’t handle it. ggg decided to block most of the newcomers and some random players in order to reduce the load on the servers. I was banned on the second day of the league without using a single add-on, not even the awakened poe trade. Completely ignored for weeks
If u have a new account u will be banned and no replies to email.
They don’t even plan to read letters with the subject “ban”, etc.
Just go play another game, you won't get unbanned
Crimmsun wrote:
I did today, they emailed me saying "we will give you the benifit of the doubt" Like i did somthing wrong, so their system is wrongfully banning players then they are blaming us still! If i could return everything ive bought i would.

how long did it take?

it took about a week for them to get back to me and unban me, still not have replied to my follow up questions in the emails.
After 6 days the support answered me with "appeal denied" even tho i didn't really appeal, i just sent the informations they asked regarding my account. Maybe the support should give a chance to "really" appeal, not "the first email you send IS the appeal, regardless of what you write". I wrote another email, this time appealing, if denied again I will either send a GDPR request and/or stop playing and try to move to other games.
Well, I'm going to report here how it happened in my case, during the 18 days I was in contact with support.

1 - I requested support because my Steam account is no longer linked to my POE account, and I want to link it again.

2 - Support requested account information.

3 - I reported everything I remembered.

4 - Support informs that my account has been banned forever.

5 - I asked if they could tell me the reason.

6 - Support informs that I have violated the terms of service.

7 - I asked if they could clarify which one.

8 - Support informed that it was something from session 7, and could not give details.

9 - I got mad; I said that there were several complaints on the forum about recent bans. And I highlighted that something wrong could be happening during the checks.

10 - Support asked if there were any further questions.

11 - I asked if they could refund the money for the tabs I bought through Steam.

12 - Support said they cannot offer refunds when the account is banned for breaking the terms. They said that there has already been an appeal check regarding my problem (which I did not request), and they couldn't do anything else.

13 - I questioned the appeal, as it was not directly requested.

14 - Support said that my emails had already triggered the appeal, and that there was nothing more to do.

Well, that was basically it. My account didn't have much - about 5 or 4 premium tabs, currency tab, maps tab, essences tab, fragments tab, divination cards tab... and I think that's it, I don't remember if there was anything else. I never had items of extreme value in the game, no lvl 100 character... but it was an 8 year old account, where the only tool I used was awakened poe trade. Even though I'm pissed, I don't regret the money I spent since I had a lot of fun during that time. But definitely the game in its current state, and the support team, do not give confidence that it is not something that will happen again if another account is created and some money is invested in it.

I believe that I will only try to play again when POE 2 is released, until then I will give other games of the genre a chance.

RIP to my account and to all those who had the same end, perhaps with larger investments. 'Merry Christmas, - from GGG'.
[Removed by Support]. Between streamer privileges, unexplained bans and account lock...
I lost my email months ago and since i'm locked in an infinite loop with support trying just to change my email.
They send you 1 mail every 4 or 5 days asking for 1 question. I'm already in the 5th loop of this nonsense.
I manage to change mail in every other game (blizzard, riot, steam) by just accessing profile and done. But in POE no, like they are holding you and push you to create another account and buy stash tabs (without which you can't play).
I can't see any other explaination.
Last edited by Drew_GGG on Dec 21, 2023, 9:10:27 AM

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