got a new quad stash tab while in slandered

went to put items in this new tab and i have 3 quad tabs with items in them did it turn one of the remove only quad tabs and make it a normal quad tab if so that sucks as i got a quad tab to put new stuff in it due to only 1 of each unique can fit in the unique tab if i would have known this to happen i would have bought the quad tab on my affliction toon so it should be empty when i go back to standard unless it would do the same
Last bumped on Dec 16, 2023, 5:28:58 PM
Hi there,

If you had remove-only stash tabs when making a purchase of a new stash tab, the system may choose one of the remove-only stash tabs to be 'upgraded' to be fully functional. You may need to empty the contents of the tab as it may have had items from being previously remove-only.
Last edited by Timothy_GGG on Dec 16, 2023, 4:53:39 PM
aw man i got a new tab for emptying all the uniques that dont fit in the U tab but this quad tab it made its already full of uniques thus not getting any new space is there anything that can be done to change this other than me buying another quad tab but then again that will also be full of stuff can i buy it on affliction and then will it be empty when i go back to standard i just want to put all my uniques in 1 location then all the dupes in quads
Hi there,

If you do not wish to sell or delete the items in the remove-only tabs, they may be chosen to be upgraded before you will start to receive empty stash tabs when purchasing new stash tabs.
the whole problem is i dont have the free space to put all my items from my remove only quads i will only start looking at what dupes i have vs the best version if it then i will see about getting rid of or doing something with them

how do i upgrade a empty quad if i dont have the space i got the extra space becouse i was out of space but that new space is taken thus i didnot gain any more space

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