[XBOX] 3.23 Bugs Please fix load times

Somehow load times have gotten even worse this league, how is that possible?
Please fix the xbox load times between zones and maps
Last bumped on Dec 18, 2023, 12:43:26 PM
1 up this post! Xsx load times are horrendous... have to clear cache every hour or maps and towns take minutes to load into.
Console: XBox Series X
Gateways: Washington D.C. (US), Texas (US)
Location: Few hours from DC servers

My partner and I experienced what seemed to be degrading load times throughout the campaign on Thursday and Friday (Eastern US time zone).

Throughout the campaign, the first non-town screen would load well, and the next two to three after, but more than that started to take 'forever'.

Same behavior on both gateways listed above. Load time (only and always) improved after restarting the client.

I did some limited testing yesterday in Affliction league. It just occurred to me to try Standard for comparison, but I probably won't have time.

All maps were tier 1 and run with no modifiers. Going into the Wildwood (or not) made no difference.

Initial load: < 10 seconds.
Next 3-4 maps: < 15 seconds.
After that: 20 - 30 seconds.

Seems to top out 30-45 seconds--longer if returning after a death. All maps had Wildwood and Strongboxes, but other content varied.

Testing was solo, but co-op times seem (understandably) slightly longer overall.

Hope this helps!
Up this post! Worse after last hotfix, textures not loading, load times getting unbearable. Have to reset game atleat every hour.

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