Sepulchre boss bug

Doedre in Sepulchre does not retain her league-specific empowerments when changing forms. This seems to not only be display based but also modifier based. HP lowers, damage lowers, etc.

Also, first bug report for me! <3
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2023, 10:38:38 AM
YEP its said final map boss drop 3 div but nope
I can confirm this, the boss doesn't drop any loot added by Eldritch altars.
You don't seem get map completion either if you kill doedre in her fat form. At least i get no sulphite from the atlas passive. I only get sulphite and altar rewards if I kill her in her first or second form but not in her thrird form.
Got the same issue right now.
It did not drop any loot added by Eldritch altars.

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