Account ban for playing league

Hello there,

My account was banned at the end of Trial Of the Ancestral league for "Breaching Terms of Use". I was playing whole league without any issues, was not doing something bad. I was not involved into rmt, was not using bot programs/cheats or anything like that.

After i finished playing TOTA league at the end of September, i quit POE untill new league. When i`ve come back to my account to test something for league start, i discovered, that my account was banned. It was pure shock!

I have gone ahead and wrote to support team an email asking for help, thinking something wrong here, there is definetely a mistake and i should get unbanned.

Got late response after a weak and after league started. It was saying: unseccesfull bun appeal, you are welcome to create a new account.

I was playing since 2017, i have a lot of friends in POE who i always play with, and who can always vouch for me. I spent a lot of money on the game, was always helping people and now my only option is to create new account, and because of what?

I cant understand what i did wrong, i went through all possible options in my head, read Terms of Use twice, but nothing came to my mind.

May be i said something innappropriate or traded with some shady person without knowing it. I wrote an appologizing letter to the support, saying if there is my real fault, im sorry! And in future I will follow Terms of Use more strictly.

I asked to give me a chance or at least not permanent ban, but got no response since, please help me to resolve the situation

Last bumped on Dec 15, 2023, 6:28:35 PM
Hi there,

I am sorry to hear that! We are currently working through a large number of requests at this time and I apologise for any delays this may cause! If you have emailed us at regarding this, we will be sure to respond as soon as we are able.
Chulainn_GGG wrote:
Hi there,

I am sorry to hear that! We are currently working through a large number of requests at this time and I apologise for any delays this may cause! If you have emailed us at regarding this, we will be sure to respond as soon as we are able.

Thank you!

I wrote to the support team email, i still hope to get my account back, i will try to be more paitient and wait for response. I little bit dispaired, but still hope. My account name is "namonato". Give me a chance GGG please

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