Just got Chat-banned for 134 days for asking why there is consecrated ground in my map

I asked people why there is consecrated ground in my map. I missed that my map has a mod of adding consecrated ground. Everyone insulted me after I asked a second time because I apparently missed the first answer, and then I got chat banned for 134 days when I told people to please not insult me and that I am sorry and that I just missed the chat message.

I know I've been a "bad" chatter in the past, but my last chat ban has been over a year ago.

I simply asked a question and immidiately get banned for 134 days for not seeing the first person to answer me.

honestly, do you think this is fair? How am I going to "appease" my past if asking a simple question immidiately bans me for 134 days?

People insulted me, i only asked for them to calm down, they reported me and im chat banned for 134 days in a new league.

So, basically, this entire league is ruined for me because I dared ask one question in global chat.

Is there any way to get an actual human to look at the chat-logs? I've literally done nothin but try to be positive in saying "please dont insult people" etc.

This is the most unfair ban I have ever had in my entire life in 20 years of being online and I cant appeal it to an actual person.

what do I do??
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2023, 1:39:17 PM
Thank you very much for posting your concerns, I have passed your message on to a senior member of staff, who will be contacting you soon to discuss this issue privately.

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