Crashing when using portals

PS5, SSF league.

Game randomly takes a dump when using portals or waypoints.

Sometimes I get thrown back to login screen with a dialog that says “your authentication for instance transfer was invalid”.

Sometimes it tells me I am offline when trying to rejoin game, and it takes upwards of 10 minutes before it lets me back in, despite me NOT being offline. Usually requires a client restart.

This was happening a lot before the league starting before all the hotfixes went through. Apparently not the hotfixes we were looking for :/
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2023, 3:20:21 PM
This happened repeatedly with me yesterday when trying to do a Port map for Atlas completion. Got the loading screen with the fancy map device, but as soon as the loading was probably done and I was about to get into the actual map, the game crashed. It was always a total crash back to the PS system, not the login screen. I sent in four reports with videos.

After the first two I tried to restart the PS5. Then another two similar crashes while trying to load in the map. The odd thing is that the portals didn't disappear. Still 6 portals present after four crashes. Last two attemps (or maybe just the third, don't recall) was from the Karui shores, just to see if it worked from there. It didn't.

My guess is the instance was completely borked, so after those four crashes I gave up and inserted another map. Thankfully it worked then, and I was able to play again. Frustrating with all these instability problems though. Have had more crashes in one day in this league than the last two leagues combined.
Last edited by Pangaearocks on Dec 15, 2023, 3:21:37 PM

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