Surprise banning - Terms of Service

Hi all,

Like a few others in this forum I just got banned for...who knows? I only have about 200 hrs in PoE and I was jamming Affliction with my buddy today and then tried to log in tonight and poof - account banned.

I use PoB and Filterblades loot filters - I am hardly a power user. I have never traded anything. That's it. The only thing I did today that was new was I exported my Affliction build to PoB (I usually just import scripts from Ziz into PoB - again, that's it) , so I could spend a bit of time theory crafting my Affliction build. It's the only thing I have done differently over the last year of playing this game on and off.

Oh- and I installed PoE on my Steam Deck about 2 days ago.

I have emailed support and ban appeals addresses (no auto response yet?) and I await the outcome - but not confident since it seems there is an acknowkledgement from the team and then when the explanation is sought, nothing further. I did spend money on MTX in that other account - so it does feel a little like theft - until someone can explain why I was banned. I honestly haven't the foggiest idea.

Here's hoping it get's sorted soon :(
Last edited by Delorentis28 on Dec 13, 2023, 4:04:46 PM
Last bumped on Dec 14, 2023, 1:45:06 PM
Hi there,

I'm sorry to hear that. If you have sent an email to and have not yet received a response, rest assured we will be working to respond to you as soon as possible!
Gonna bump this, there seem to be a lot of these phantom bans going on and it should be addressed with a little more urgency as another poster made clear when he was banned playing on Geforce Now of all places - how do you break the terms of use on that platform?

This is all rather odd.

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