Friend got banned, appeal was denied but was told that he could make a new account?

How does this make any sense? He doesn't know what he did as support wont tell him, it's severe enough to warrant a zero-warning permanent ban but he's still welcome to create a new account?

If the goal is to remove cheaters, why is he still 'welcomed' to make a new account?

Is there anything else he can do in order to get this ban repealed? He absolutely has no idea what he's done wrong and is more than willing to change any previous unknown-bad behavior. To that same note, I have played the game in pretty much exactly the same way he has and I don't know what he did wrong.

The new league is great and this has been honestly so demoralizing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Note - I understand that you cannot speak to the ban directly on these forums, but I just need some kind of direction of where to go after an appeal has been successful.
Last bumped on Dec 14, 2023, 10:46:29 PM
Hi there,

We cannot discuss moderation action on another players account, additionally as you have mentioned, we cannot discuss the ban appeal process on the forums.

Could you please get your friend to email us at
He has already emailed support who told him that they cannot reopen his case after the initial appeal was denied.

This is absolutely a mistaken ban and he's pretty much given up on his 4 year old account at this point. It's just so absolutely demoralizing.

He doesn't know what he did besides being accused of violating rule 7 of the Terms of Use, but that covers an absurdly large number of activities all of which he didn't do.

I've done a more than a little research into bannings since we found out he was banned on league launch, and most everyone seems to have stated they were able to get their banning reduced to a warning for first time offenders.

He hasn't ever gotten a warning and his appeal was denied. There has to be something else he can do.

He's my best friend and ever since we moved away, playing the new leagues is the only way we keep in touch.

There has to be something he or I can do to remedy the situation.
My friend in same boat.

almost 10 years of playing poe means nothing.

ban - appeal - denied- ask for data - then asnwer u breach 7 section and no chance to defend himself cause denied already. where is justice for all?
Good luck getting any help outside the game either, you just get 1 sentence responses like "Don't get banned, won't be any problems".

A mistake was made! Can we please fix it? At least tell him what the mistake was on his end so he can check himself.

As it stands right now, why make a new account if it's just going to be banned again with no explanation? He doesn't know what he did wrong (if anything), so he's just going to do it again without knowing any better.

This is just so so frustrating.
There should be something instead of copy paste answering at email like your appeal denied without any evidence and info what you did actually to be banned and without any chance to defend yourself.Cause you will knew the reason only after that.

Well. Sure he is allowed to create new account. More chances to buy MTX.
I also got banned after playing for 3 years. I dont know what to do now. I lost like 500 usd i spend on that account. And suppport is not answering me anymore.

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