Handful of delicious bugs.

At the major reward room in this sanctum there was zero drops from four Templar chests.

Many of the stairs and stairs decorations and small table probs etc have incorrect lighting that are black often. Looks like normals map got flipped.

Cannot access chest peice gems while equipped with B.

The flask and gem tab while navigating will put the selection well above the intended spot in the UI hiding them behind the tab names decorations up top.

The flask and or gem tab bugs seem to be tied to being able to access my chest peice gems. Sometimes while in my stash and have one of those tabs open I can access the gems in my chest with b.

Some of the gold piles in the background of the Vault map within the boss room are clipping through the ground revealing the void.

There is a missing rectangle on the map device in the karui shores whithin the center sphere. Again revealing the void, you can see it while in the map device menu while the screen is zoomed in.

Betrayal research minimap is cut off and does not show the complete mini map.

The drop item dialogue is miss aligned.

All of these besides the vault visual bug are for the most recent patch for affliction.
Last edited by Pandack on Dec 13, 2023, 12:02:21 PM
Last bumped on Dec 13, 2023, 10:45:21 PM
Forgot to add:

The ward health bar overlay in expedition for mobs is either miss aligned or does not scale with gui scale.

Pandack wrote:
At the major reward room in this sanctum there was zero drops from four Templar chests.

"Major Treasure" rooms drop coins. You probably had the debuff that makes you not get coins.

QQPQ wrote:
Pandack wrote:
At the major reward room in this sanctum there was zero drops from four Templar chests.

"Major Treasure" rooms drop coins. You probably had the debuff that makes you not get coins.

You must be correct I have not done a ton of sanctum, my bad. It would be nice if a detrimental effect happens on rewards there is a icon that popped up with text for the name like how the Expedition currency does. Just much higher than the center point of the box on console. Many times your character is directly on top of the box and obscures the Expedition drop icons. On pc its just your cursor.

The ability to have a toggle to enable Descriptive UI with: On Left stick down the names of all de-buffs buffs auroras whisps etc. There is no way to even see the name on console to try to figure out what the effect is. It would help a lot to enable people to learn more within the game itself.

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