Refund policy is ridiculous and buying system is misleading.

So, i've accidentaly bought 390 (after discounts) USD supporter pack via website. I wanted to check if checkout will exchange currency rate in my PayPal. Looks like clicking PROCEED TO CHECKOUT is not actually proceeding to checkout but finishing transaction. So it's clearly misleading. I've contanted support and they told me that i can't get a refund because i equipped item. Yea, i did it, for a second to get a preview as i already got it by mistake. There is not a single word about it in Terms of Use. They told me that already after it happened. I even asked for just a downgrade, as I wanted to buy 140 (after discounts) USD supporter pack. I'm in the situation where 390 is kinda a lot for me. I was and i will spend money on PoE, i'm more than happy to do it as it is great game and they deserve support. But this particular problem is at least annoying that they even ignoring my questions about Terms of Use. Also i've reached to New Zealand's customers right and probably i won't just left it as it is if they won't refer to their own rules. I don't really know what else i can do except of some kind of official complaint. And I also think that it will end in banning my account if i won't let it go.
Last edited by AndrzejPompa on Dec 12, 2023, 12:09:44 PM
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2023, 12:03:31 PM
I'm sorry to hear about this! I have sent you a Private Message regarding this now.

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