Clarification on Maji's Intensifying Suffusion node.

The node states it increases tinctures applied to me by 75% per empty flask.

Okay. But which prefix/suffix rolls are actually affected.

I have the Headhunter suffix at 17%, so is that being increased by the 75%, because the duration isn't boosted.

It's hard to understand which mods this node actually applies to and doesn't. Does it apply to the implicit? If so how, the shock gets 75% better shocks? That doesn't sound right.
Last bumped on Jan 7, 2024, 11:59:31 PM
Could you write exacly what this "headhunter" modifier does? if would be chance to get a mod it should increase the chance, but i can see 2 tings:

1. meeting the criteria of empty flask
2. ggg forgot 1 or 2 mods. this is not as uncommon as i like to admit but something certain things like atlas passive points dosent work as intended...

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