XBOX Character Selection Freezing

I have been having an issue with logging in and logging out of Path of Exile on XBOX for a couple months now. As we enter a new ladder season, I’m wondering if there is a way for me to fix this. I have tried deleting my “saved files” and reinstalling the game all together with no success. The issue is basically, any time I go to “character selection” my game outright freezes and I’m forced to manually close the game and restart it. When I log back in, it takes a while to “connect to server” - at least 15-20 seconds every time. In the past, I used to connect nearly instantly. Have other Xbox players reported this bug? I would love to see it resolved before league start.
Last bumped on Dec 13, 2023, 11:45:51 AM
I have reported this bug over the last few seasons as well. Nothing I have tried has been able to resolve it, You can also be killed while in the lockout state so be cautious.

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