Penance Brand AOE issue

Bug report reference number: 1 299 954 108
Related images:

I decided to league start penance brand to test the wild damage numbers. They are wild, so far, but I did notice that the AOE is very inconsistent.
I have linked 3 images.
1st image (char is on 713 life):
This happens when you cast penance brand very fast on the same mob. The first explosion's AOE is super small.

2nd image (char is on 911 life):
This is the standard AOE which happens when the brand detonates as normal

3rd image (char is on 1009 life):
The "big boy" explosion. This was tough to reproduce, but it happens if you attach 2 brands on the same mob, 1st brand kills it (with small AOE), then 2nd brand re-attaches, and after it expires it basically does a screen-wide AOE. The image doesn't do it justice, sometimes it gets even bigger!

My speculation is that some code pertaining to the AOE scaling is still left on the brand. The damage is the same in all 3 cases, but I think since 2 brands can attach to the same enemy, when that enemy gets to 20 energy, the 2nd brand (which spent barely any time on it) triggers, and since it was active for a very short time, it has a small AOE. However, since the 1st brand was active on the 1st enemy, and then jumped to a 2nd one, it scales its AOE even more, so it basically doubles its AOE.

To be fair I expected if 2 brands are attached to an enemy and that enemy reaches 20 energy, that both brands would explode. However, that's not the case, only 1 brand triggers, and the 2nd one is left to either expire or reattach.

Good luck with the troubleshooting!

I managed to capture a good picture of the "big boy" explosion. Same gems, no new passives for AOE. It gets insane.
Last edited by NamelessAbyss on Dec 11, 2023, 1:25:47 PM
Last bumped on Dec 23, 2023, 11:28:46 PM
I've also experienced this. However, with the Brand Mastery that makes brands jump, it seems that the brands themselves are storing the size of the AOE of their explosion independently from the energy on the enemy whom they detonate on. At least visually, it seems to have a much higher maximum energy cap. Sometimes it seems to do damage in a wider area than normal, other times not so much.

short video showcasing a wide variety of explosion sizes
Last edited by OnlyInKenya on Dec 23, 2023, 11:29:48 PM

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