No Unlock Code

Hello guys,
can someone help me here?

I bought a cloud gaming to enjoy the new league.
Everything went fine but I need the unlocj code because my IP changed.

I waited more than 10 hours now.
Multiple request.

Whitelisted obvously.

Really annoying, took 2 days off to play the new league.

Best regards,
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2023, 2:27:59 AM
Hello op_op_op,

I am very sorry to hear that!

Our team are currently experiencing a large volume of requests at this time though if you have contacted us at regarding this, we will respond as soon as we are able!

I apologise for any inconvenience in the meantime.
Need help with anything? Feel free to contact us via :)
Same issue, haven't heard from support since friday and as evident from the various forum posts, many others have this problem as well and are not receiving any help.
You don't cap for ele weakness? - Kids these days...

Tanky Flameblast Guide @ /view-thread/1682668
Life based ele Spetral Throw @ /view-thread/1714274
I also didnt received any anwser yet.

Bought a cloud gaming subscription for the new league, anooying that i cant use it.

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