How do I stop lioneye's watch from crashing the game?

About 50% of the time when going to town, the game crashes. Even when just logging in...

There seem to be about 5000 people in the queue at all time, so I've been in the queue 5 times so far just due to crashes.
Last bumped on Dec 8, 2023, 4:32:24 PM
ok, make it 6 times queue. Twice in a row, the game crashes as soon as I come out of the queue.
same here
i reached act 2 town after some crash, and same thing happened there too
just crashed again. harold, hide the pain.

one more queue... sigh
Same thing happening to me...5 or 6 crashes now.
Nvidia driver update might have fixed it for me - and the game is running full-screen windowed now instead of just full-screen.

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