Fix the fucking lag

Last bumped on Oct 29, 2023, 11:37:37 PM
Cannot level up in this piece of shit because every single time I make a little xp, I'm hit with a lag death or 10. Lag as in screen freezing, tearing, textures not loading, sounds playing 30 seconds late. For fuck's sake, do you things even care about the player base on console, or merely your fucking cosmetic sales? Language for frustration. Will not apologize for it, it's extremely well deserved.
Well, instead of giving a reply here "we're looking into it", or something similar, anything really... I get a message they've deleted the last post. Soooo goodbye poe - deleted.
binoculars wrote:
Well, instead of giving a reply here "we're looking into it", or something similar, anything really... I get a message they've deleted the last post. Soooo goodbye poe - deleted.

Standard fare for the "support" unfortunately. Busy protecting scammers and RMTers and censoring posts, making them look far worse than originally by all the lame removal edits.

Thankfully not had a lot of lags lately, except a few times in TOTA where we thankfully don't lose XP. But I know the feeling. It's horrendous to lose hours of gameplay due to silly XP loss on death. And 10 times worse when it's not even your fault, but the game's.
binoculars wrote:
On Probation

Was the user banned? Long time-out? Not sure what "On probation" means in this context. Have seen it on quite a few profiles, including the user that kept asking for everybody's gear when somebody wanted to leave. That got a bit tiring, but I was surprised to see that tag on the user account.
Pangaearocks wrote:
binoculars wrote:
On Probation

Was the user banned? Long time-out? Not sure what "On probation" means in this context. Have seen it on quite a few profiles, including the user that kept asking for everybody's gear when somebody wanted to leave. That got a bit tiring, but I was surprised to see that tag on the user account.

I believe probation is a temp-ban from the forum. It doesn't affect gameplay, AFAIK.

Probably ran afoul of the "needlessly negative" clause.

I feel like any GGG employee moderating the console section of the forum should be required to play the game on console at least 5 hours per week (including trade interactions), so they can more accurately asses the "needlessly" part of "needlessly negative".

Note that I'm not commenting on any particular piece of moderation. I don't know what was deleted, so I'm not saying they were wrong to delete it or to action the account.

I just think they might have a little more empathy for some of our complaints and a better understanding of our frustration at certain problems.

To bring this post back to the topic of the thread, I haven't played much recently... but part of the reason for that is the extremely poor server performance.
Another day without a patch, everything remains the same, unplayable game
QQPQ wrote:
Pangaearocks wrote:
binoculars wrote:
On Probation

Was the user banned? Long time-out? Not sure what "On probation" means in this context. Have seen it on quite a few profiles, including the user that kept asking for everybody's gear when somebody wanted to leave. That got a bit tiring, but I was surprised to see that tag on the user account.

I believe probation is a temp-ban from the forum. It doesn't affect gameplay, AFAIK.

Probably ran afoul of the "needlessly negative" clause.

I feel like any GGG employee moderating the console section of the forum should be required to play the game on console at least 5 hours per week (including trade interactions), so they can more accurately asses the "needlessly" part of "needlessly negative".

Note that I'm not commenting on any particular piece of moderation. I don't know what was deleted, so I'm not saying they were wrong to delete it or to action the account.

I just think they might have a little more empathy for some of our complaints and a better understanding of our frustration at certain problems.

To bring this post back to the topic of the thread, I haven't played much recently... but part of the reason for that is the extremely poor server performance.

Temp ban is over and I've yet to get a single mention here about it from a GGG rep. Only a message to ban me for being 'needlessly negative', which is absolutely subjective.
Also didn't get temp banned until I mentioned their mtx taking priority over actual functionally. Already deleted the game, so they can ban me all they want. Idgaf
Still no reply or anything from a ggg rep on the abysmal ps4 performance with this game? Not even to say "we don't care, send me money", which is, quite obviously, all they truly care about.

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