Ps4- so much lag nearly unplayable

Insane load times..
Constant sputters, skipping all throughout a map.
Freeze for a few seconds when ANY audio voice-over starts talking.
Freeze and sputter for ANY kind of event in a map.

Can only take on killing base monsters in maps, and even that is extremely iffy.
This games should definitely NOT be on ps4. Or, at the very least, have a dedicated ps4 team to test, troubleshoot... or just listen to their customer.. I like the game, but am severely limited in what content to play or even what builds the system can handle.
Last edited by binoculars on Oct 9, 2023, 7:16:08 PM
Last bumped on Oct 11, 2023, 8:20:05 PM
And STILL getting the everlasting loading screen. Do you developers just hate console so much, but just keep releasing shit because of mtx money???
A little acknowledgment wouldn't hurt. I see several of the same threads posted with zero feedback for weeks. About to drop this shit game and move back to diablo. Might've had to pay for the game, but at least it's fucking playable
Last edited by binoculars on Oct 18, 2023, 4:37:43 AM

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