2 game crashes resulting in death (Devle) and lost Blueprint rewards (Heist)

Platform : XBox Series X
Happened : Two crashes around 10:20am Sydney tmezone.
Gateway : Australia Realm / Sydney
Issue 1 : Delving... character froze, no buttons were responding for 10 seconds then death (-10% XP) and licked out to the xbox dashboard.
Issue 2 : Rogue harbour, extracting unusual gem (Anomolous Divine Blessing) + currency + scarabs. Characted froze and buttons were again unresponsive. This time it crashed to the game load / login screen and I didnt lose XP but I lost my rewards (and reveals / rogue markers spent on the blueprint).

These issues happened within 15 min of each other but I fully rebooted my console after the first issue.

I can't reproduce the issue because I dont want to lose another 10% XP.

Connection : Cabled connection (not wifi)
Last bumped on Sep 24, 2023, 9:36:31 PM
This just happened a third time, this time it was in Sanctum.

I managed to capture a video here : https://1drv.ms/v/s!AkSoy5BdevQjk01k6W04sjn95dhb?e=fERkWl

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