Trials matches not ending

Xbox series x. Bug report # 1,276,446,356

Trials of the ancestors match not ending after I destroyed all of the enemy teams totems. A hinnekoras horn continued to respawn without its totem and the match wouldn't register complete. This is getting really annoying with bugs like this happening, especially late tournament while trying to complete the utterly unfair navali's neverending nirvana challenge to have nothing on the field. And to solo whole teams only to have to quit and take the lose because of these types of bugs, TOTA is already so beyond overtuned im about done because this is becoming needlessly frustrating... cross contamination challenge to kill a possessed boss during a ritual is completely bugged too. Spawned with map boss is possessed on the map, had it possessed naturally by a wandering tormentor. All the rituals refuse to respawn the boss still possessed so it doesn't count
Right here and now. PUSH PAST YOUR LIMITS!!!
Last edited by TheLotus3947 on Sep 18, 2023, 5:59:00 AM
Last bumped on Sep 18, 2023, 5:58:56 AM

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