Killed After Winning Tournament by Enemy Minion. Lost 1 of a kind Tattoo on Console...PS5

I just won my tournament and got to rank 600.

The end reward was an onslaught-on-hit tattoo.

Before I could pick it up, enemy Tuatara came and 1hit me...

Video proof attached...

Please fix and refund me that does not exist on the console...

Here is the Link to the video:
Last bumped on Aug 28, 2023, 9:30:35 PM
PSN : tehguy1

Ign: Azur

Bruh, what bad luck KEKW

Alan Leonardo Piovesan
yep...none on PS5 market...and I couldn't even pick it up
Unfortunately GGG does not reward/refund the item in these cases!
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
well, that's screwed up.

Might stop playing this league altogether...that was a really stupid bug that should have been caught
Ouch! That sucks :(

Wonder if you would have kept it if you picked the reward quickly? Clearly should be fixed either way. Feels horrible when you get screwed like that.

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