Unable to create new stash tab folders. (Xbox)

I am unable to add new stash tab folders in my stash. I am able to move tabs to my already existing tab fold folder but cannot make a new one. This has only been an issue since 3.22
Last bumped on Aug 25, 2023, 6:07:54 PM
Having the same problem on ps5. Tought i was doing something wrong. I select Create New Folder, press OK but nothing happpens
Discovered this issue is also effecting Guild stash tabs as well.
Can confirm I am also having this issue with controller since 3.22.
Me as well, xbox series X, worked in previous seasons
Last edited by GunniM5453 on Aug 25, 2023, 1:12:48 PM
I made a thread on this already yesterday and had a GGG reply, they know their looking into it
Right here and now. PUSH PAST YOUR LIMITS!!!
Yes I saw that today when I was reading through stuff. Also this thread was posted on the 23rd

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