Core Supporter T-Shirt and Hoodie Size Please.

Hi there,

I am planning to make a purchase.
I would like to get the sizes to the T-shirt and Hoodie.

Also, if I choose to opt out of the physical merch, how many more points will I got for that?
Last bumped on Jan 12, 2024, 4:43:07 AM
Please contact our team at for any specific questions regarding apparel sizing and we'll be happy to provide you with more information!

For opting out of physical items, the point values depend on what items you're opting out of and can be seen on the shop page. For reference, opting out of the t-shirt would grant 160 points, opting out of the hoodie would grant 500 points, and opting out of the Path of Exile signed art pack would grant 140 points.
Hi there,

Noted and thank you. I will send them an email instead.
liaoxliaox wrote:
Hi there,

Noted and thank you. I will send them an email instead.

maybe you wanna help all others and post their size chart or information here xD ?

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