Unable to Stream Xbox Console PoE Because of Stutter and Game Darkness


I like to Play games on my PC sometimes however my account is through XBOX so I use the Xbox Streaming App to play on my PC but there are several problems that prevent me having even a semi enjoyable game experience.

First the Darkness of the game is like so dark I actually can't see the game at all. The picture I attached is of my character at Lion Eye's Watch. Can we get some sort of Brightness Adjuter so that I can increase it to be able to see the game?

The Second issue is the unbearable input stutter when ever I attempt to do anything in game. If I press and hold Left Stick in to view mods it clicks it a million times so the Mods screen just flashes.

There has been a whole bunch of posts about the unbearable input stutter but I havent seen one that has had a response from GGG. Can we please get at least a fix for the streaming issue?


Last edited by Taillow500 on Aug 11, 2023, 10:24:15 AM
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2023, 11:21:09 PM
Delete this reply, I messed up posting my image link and tried to do it here before I fixed it in the main post.
Last edited by Taillow500 on Aug 11, 2023, 10:26:46 AM
The Darkness Resolved itself but the stutter is unbearable and has been a problem for several Leagues now.

The darkness issue I had to close and restart my game and its now at a good Brightness so I can see the screen now.
Last edited by Taillow500 on Aug 11, 2023, 12:16:53 PM
I believe that these problems are from the console and not from the game!
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
Its definetly not my console that's the problem and the stutter input lag issue is an issue that's been going on for multiple Leagues. I stream from my console on quite a few games and this is the only one that has issues.
Your PC or the graphic card alone probably way more expansive than a Xbox latest gen....Also streaming ate bandwidth so that it may worse your ping
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