Major visual bug with the Imperator Wings from the supporter pack

The Imperator Wings (from the Imperator Supporter-Pack) have a pretty bad visual bug with almost every MTX chest that I own (and presumably most MTX chest gear in the store) meaning I can really only use them on the Imperator chest instead of getting to mix and match the Wings with other gear.

When using (for example) the crystallized body armor and making a quick turn (90° or 180°) the Wings will sometimes flip upside down or fall inwards on themselves, or even end up on the same side of the character. They will remain this way until you repeat the glitch.

They have been this way since I first purchased the supporter pack, but I always assumed they would be fixed eventually, but they never have. So I'm finally deciding to report it, as it feels like I waisted quite a bit of money on Wings that I can almost never use unless I'm using them with the Imperator Chest.

It's a shame, the imperator gear is some of my favorite mtx in the game (the Wings esspecially) but I am unable to mix them with just about any gear. I'm really disappointed that such an expensive piece of gear is so badly bugged.
Last bumped on Aug 12, 2023, 3:17:22 PM
Do you have a video of a problem?
Yes, and I grabbed several screenshots too. I've been emailing back and forth with a member of the support team. I just sent them the screenshots and video. Do you want me to post them here too?

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