looking for a guild to join!

im lookin for a guild to join, would be nice to have a place to find people to run with and stuff, also to dump my extra currency i wont use for others to make use of.

my info:

timezone: PST / GMT-7 (west coast canada)
player style: average, play a solid amount each week
started: beta release 2012 - played on and off since then
role: just looking for basic member roll
language: english
chars this league:90 int stacker KB/PS trickster, 93 totem explode pathfinder, 92 lacerate glad

if you want any other info let me know

prefer to join a larger guild, but im open to whatever honestly. im the kind of player who will mostly be putting item into guild stash, i am capable of getting pretty much everything i need so no reason to take. i feel bad leaving all my leveling uniques/currency to waste so id love to share with others who will use it!
Last bumped on Aug 2, 2023, 3:02:01 PM

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